40 Job Interview Tips

Being good at job interviews can make or break your career. Here’s a list of things you should pay attention to while preparing for your interview:

Preparing for the interview:

1 - Research the company: spend a few minutes researching the company. What products and services do they offer? What customers do they serve? What is their salary range? And benefits?

2 - Check their social media: look for current news and events, milestones, or any information that might give you leverage when negotiating.

3 - Talk with previous and current employees: ask them what the company is looking for in new candidates and what interview questions they might ask.

4 - Connect with insiders: consider using Twitter or LinkedIn to find people who work at the company and network with them.

5 - Search for interview questions: use Google to find interview questions the company might ask. If you can’t find questions related to the company, research questions asked by companies in the same business sector.

6 - Rehearse the answers: spend a few minutes simulating the interview in your head. You can even do it out loud in front of a mirror. The more you rehearse interview questions, the better you will do.

7 - Research the interviewer: if you know the interviewer’s name, go check their social media, and read blog posts and articles about them. Learn more about their background.

8 - Sleep well: don’t stay up late. You need to look and feel fresh.

Before the interview

9 - Dress for the job: each company has a dress code, even if informal. Dressing for the position you want will help you fit in with the company’s culture.

10 - Take copies of your resume: a physical resume is better than a digital one forgotten in someone’s email inbox. Give a copy to each interviewer.

11 - Print a reference list: a good list of people who can vouch for your skills and experience can set you apart from other candidates.

12 - Have a notebook and a pen: you don’t know if you need to take notes. Taking notes on your phone is rude unless you’re taking a phone number.

13 - Arrive on time: being late is a big no-no. It tells the interviewer you’re unreliable and can’t be trusted. You should arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview.

14 - Turn off notifications: you don’t want the interview interrupted by your phone. Turn off all notifications and put your phone in silent mode, just in case. Consider turning on airplane mode.

15 - Be nice to staff: show kindness and respect to staff members. Leaving a good first impression is essential.

During the interview:

16 - Introduce yourself: smile, maintain eye contact, and introduce yourself. You’d be surprised how many people forget to even mention their names.

17 - Confirm the position: confirm the position you’re interviewing for. It’s not uncommon for interviews to be mistakenly interchanged, especially in big companies.

18 - Be confident but not arrogant: don’t be too cocky. Display assertiveness and self-confidence, but don’t drift into arrogance.

19 - Calm down: you don’t want to be too anxious. What’s the worst thing that can happen? You don’t get the job. Big deal! There are plenty of jobs out there. Develop an abundance mentality.

20 - Don’t badmouth previous employers: people who talk badly about their previous boss will do the same with their next one. Always be positive about your previous job experiences.

21 - Talk about your accomplishments: don’t just mention previous responsibilities. Talk about your achievements, numbers, growth, productivity, and money saved. Companies love numbers.

22 - Use stories: stories always work better than straight facts. When discussing your accomplishments, use a story format following the star method: situation, task, action, and result.

23 - Mention your biggest strengths: find a way to talk up your strengths as they relate to what the company is looking for in a candidate.

24 - Eliminate risks: hiring managers don’t want to look bad by hiring somebody who’s not a good fit. Your job is to show them that hiring you is a low-risk bet.

25 - Show commitment: make it look like you are committed to your career path and to the company you’re interviewing for. Downplay any job hopping.

26 - Avoid controversial topics: never talk about politics or other controversial topics. Avoid conversations around things like pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender, race, or ethnicity. If you feel you have been mistreated or discriminated against during the interview, you may have grounds for a lawsuit.

27 - Avoid lying: Do I really need to explain this one?

Negotiate a contract:

28 - Research salaries for your position: what are people getting paid for this position and with similar work experience?

29 - Not all companies allow for negotiation: in some companies, compensation is set in stone and hiring managers have little room for negotiation.

30 - Let them make an offer first: never be the first to mention numbers. It’s almost always better for them to be the first to make an offer.

31 - Say you’re open to negotiation: resist the temptation to ask for a low salary, but be careful not to price yourself out of a job.

32 - Don’t use a range: it means you are open to accepting a lower offer. It shows weakness rather than strength.

33 - Negotiate benefits: if you hit a wall negotiating a higher salary, consider negotiating benefits. Ask for more vacation time, better health insurance, remote work, or hiring bonuses.

34 - Negotiate a relocation package: if needed, you might want to negotiate the costs of relocation.

35 - Be ready to say no: if the compensation package is not ideal, don’t be afraid to walk away. If you’re interviewing for an in-demand position, companies will often make a better offer.

36 - Get it written down: don’t let them bait and switch. Have the details written down before you proceed.

After the interview:

37 - Write a thank you note: it’s a friendly gesture that sets you apart from the competition.

38 - Ask for feedback: didn’t get the job? Ask for feedback! However, not all companies will provide feedback as they want to avoid liability issues.

39 - Don’t quit your job yet: there is no guarantee that you will get the job until you sign a contract.

40 - Don’t lose hope: sometimes getting a job is a numbers game. Nothing personal if you didn’t get the job. Believe in yourself and keep going.

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